Lanai Getaway with Foray Collective
Pamela Allier
Good morning sweethearts... today I'm sharing with you guys some of my fave pictures about my trip to Hawaii with Foray Collective in collab with the Venue Report and the Four Seasons Lanai ... yup, a little island within a bigger island... and boy, oh boy it's paradise...
I had an amazing time with all my blogger babes and the Foray Collective team... evers since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to visit Hawaii... and after some year, I finally got the chance with the whole Blogger Crew. Of course I was completely excited... and just for the record, the first day I only slept for three hours haha... you know, beach emotions at their best!
On this trip, I discovered thatVenue Report does an amazing job at searching in a curated roster of amazing properties and resorts around the globe that fit perfectly with your plans.., Whether it's for couples or groups, you can always count on this platform to guide you better through the amazing options out there.
// Buen jueves queridos. Pues antes de que pase más tiempo, les dejo el post sobre mi viaje a Hawaii que hice con Foray Collective... una marca afiliada a Revolve.
No les voy a mentir, Hawaii siempre había sido uno de mis destinos de sueño, y gracias a Dios y al trabajo que ahora tengo (que en gran parte debo a ustedes), pude visitar este precioso lugar. En el viaje fueron también otras niñas que se dedican a lo mismo... y cual fue me sorpresa que encontré mucho apoyo de su parte, y eso nunca lo voy a olvidar.
Of course those cliffs needed their instagram/blog moment with Kelsey and me =)
Just for the record, back when I was a little girl, I had horse-back riding lessons for quite some time... as a fashionista, I still keep my boots; too bad I left them in Mexico! And by the way, I've never done horse-back riding in such an amazing place!
White dress my love... everyone should get one little white dress for beach use...
And a black one of course...
Well... and a pink one too! (I hope Pablo doesn't read this)
I promise, It was an absolute safe walk outta there to get this picture!
If there's such thing as double trouble... this might be it hahaha.